One day you’ll wake up
and everything will have changed.
This is both my fear and my deepest prayer.
And it’s true, everything does change,
nothing stays the same.
Every morning the world offers itself anew,
spinning out of our dreams,
following the codes of our imagination
like a dutiful seed, or a baby
holding the genetic promise,
the dreams of the ancestors
mixing with the changing weather of life.
So many variables at play;
so many cooks stirring the broth.
Some are dreaming Armageddon,
while some dream a Golden Age.
For eons we’ve been divided—
fighting, separating, sorting into sides,
convinced we only had to tend
to our tribes, our families, our countries,
ourselves, our own enlightenment.
We were organs in a body
at war with itself,
and look how we’ve ravaged the body.
Playing at the edge of knowing,
I imagine us between lives
looking back and looking forward,
taking stock of what we’ve done,
evolving baby step by baby step,
coming to understand
the meaning of oneness,
the true nature of beauty,
and what it might mean
to care enough to come together,
love enough to stand together
on the unknown brink of change.