Shamanic Energy Medicine
My shamanic energy medicine practice offers several Andean influenced medicine procedures including, but not limited to: chakra work known as illumination which heals imprints that are causing mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical distress; cord cutting which severs energetic cords that contain maladaptive patterns to people, places or things; extraction work which removes negative energy forms and/or intrusive entities; soul retrieval which restores fragments of our self that have been lost to us; destiny retrieval; and spirit flight or death rites which allow an expansion of awareness and an opportunity to die consciously. I also provide psychopomp work which aids willing spirits who need help crossing over in peace.
​*Please note that Shamanic Energy Medicine Sessions can be completed remotely
My psychotherapy practice of 30 years incorporates relational integrative therapy with an ear and eye to underlying mythic perspectives and archetypal influences. What this means in translation is that I use my self-knowledge, experience and my responses to open deeper exploration into understanding the source of issues and the perspectives that hold them in place, while offering alternative perspectives and resources to support them in a safe and holding relational environment